Dental Cleaning

Two of the most common and basic procedures, yet most important, are dental cleanings and exams. These processes provide professional cleanings which prevent gum disease and maintain a great-looking smile.

During a cleaning and exam, our skilled dentists will:

  • Clean plaque or tartar off your teeth, preventing decay or periodontitis
  • Polish and floss your teeth
  • Examine teeth for signs of diseases or damaging dental conditions

In these appointments, we may utilize dental x-rays to adequately evaluate your smile and make sure you receive the dental aid you need. To maintain good oral health, these dental cleanings and exams should be made to be regular recurring appointments to prevent and treat complications like cavities and gum disease as soon as possible.

Our team recommends that you schedule a routine cleaning and exam every six months. If during these visits we discover issues, we may request more frequent visits to ensure your smile stays healthy. In addition, if there is ever a dental emergency, we ask you not to wait until your regularly scheduled appointment, and contact us as soon as possible. To start scheduling your recurring appointments, we invite you to visit or call us today. We look forward to keeping your smile shining.

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