Dental Crowns

A dental cap, also known as a dental crown, is most often used to restore a significantly damaged tooth. A crown is custom made to fit over the entire tooth, and starts in the gumline to restore its original shape and size. Dental crowns can be made of gold, porcelain or porcelain fused to metal. Porcelain crowns are popular because they match the color and appearance of your natural tooth. Our dentists will help you determine which type of dental crown is right for your smile.

A smile may be in need of a dental crown if a tooth is too damaged or decayed and a dental filling will not provide adequate restoration.

Caps can also be used for a number of other purposes, including:

  • Post root canal tooth protection
  • Anchoring and attaching a dental bridge
  • Covering a complete dental implant
  • Elevating the aesthetic and beauty of your smile
  • Enhancing a mishapened tooth
  • Strengthening a tooth that is weak or fractured
  • Supporting a larger filling when little tooth structure remains

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