We often ignore a small pain in our mouth – until it really starts to hurt. If you have ever had a sudden toothache, you know how agonizing it can feel and that first moment of pain only increases our anxiety. That’s why having an emergency dentist to contact beforehand is so vital. Consider Beyond Dental Health, a warm and welcoming practice in Cohasset, MA, as your dental home.
Since April 7-14 is the annual Dental Hygienist Week, we’re going to be paying special attention to our preventive care. Usually, when you experience a toothache, it might be because your teeth have been exposed to extreme hot or cold temperatures, natural gum recession, or enamel erosion.
These are common phenomena when people are aging. However, other causes, such as a cavity, gum infection, sinus infection, or a cracked tooth or crown could also create similar symptoms. Therefore, regular preventive care is essential to help prevent such an emergency. Scheduling a check-up and dental cleaning appointment every six months can help a patient avoid these chronic dental diseases.
Although preventive care plays an essential role in protecting our oral health, visiting an emergency dentist is inevitable on some occasions. Accidents always occur when you’re not prepared. Traumatic dental injuries could happen to people of all ages and activity levels.
A bike accident, a car accident, a hit during a football game, or a fall on a staircase can all result in a dental injury that leads to tooth loss or some other malfunction of the jaw or mouth. Having a reliable family dentist who is also an emergency dentist can help you or a family member get through an accident.
Beyond Dental Health offers comprehensive emergency dental treatments. Once you have contacted us, we will schedule a visit as soon as possible and provide you with first-aid tips to keep bleeding and pain under control until you are able to come to the office.
When you are able to come to the office, we’ll conduct an initial examination where we will develop a thorough treatment plan that best suits your immediate needs. Based on the severity of the damage to your teeth, mouth, or gums, we also offer restorative and cosmetic dentistry services that can help repair any extensive injuries.
During an emergency dentist visit, the cost might be your biggest concern, but there’s no need to worry because we accept most major insurances. If you do not have dental insurance, Beyond Dental Health offers an in-house membership plan, Beyond Dental Club, and payment options through CareCredit. We value our patients’ loyalty and always aim to provide the best treatment and financial solutions.
Whether it’s a small tooth fracture or long-lasting severe pain, don’t hesitate to call our emergency dentist and receive prompt treatment.
Save our number for future use: (781) 383-6555. Beyond Dental Health in Cohasset, MA is always here for your dental needs. If our Cohasset office isn’t convenient for your family, Beyond Dental also has offices in Abington, Hanson, and South Weymouth. We hope to see you soon.